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20 Reasons Made to Measure Suits Are Best

20 Reasons Made to Measure Suits Are Best

The Perfect Fit: Why Made to Measure Suits are Best

made to measure suitsIn the world of men’s fashion, a well-fitted suit speaks volumes about a person’s confidence and style. While off-the-peg suits are readily available and bespoke tailoring carries an aura of luxury, it is the made to measure suit that strikes the perfect balance. Offering a personalised fit without compromising on quality or craftsmanship, made to measure suits have emerged as the discerning gentleman’s choice. In this article, we delve into the reasons why made to measure suits surpass both bespoke and off-the-peg options, revolutionising the way men dress for success.

Precision Tailoring

Made to measure suits are synonymous with precision tailoring, which is one of the primary reasons why they stand out among other options in the market. Precision tailoring ensures that every aspect of the suit is meticulously designed to fit an individual’s body shape and proportions. Here’s how made to measure suits excel in precision tailoring.

Detailed Measurements

Made to measure suits start with a comprehensive measurement process. A skilled tailor takes precise measurements of various body parts, including chest, waist, hips, shoulders, and arm length. These measurements form the foundation for creating a suit that fits the client’s body like a second skin.

Individual Patterns

Based on the measurements, an individual pattern is created for each client. This pattern is specific to the individual, considering their unique body shape, posture, and any particular fitting requirements. Unlike off-the-peg suits, where one pattern is mass-produced for multiple sizes, made to measure suits ensure a truly individualised fit.
Tailoring Adjustments: Made to measure suits allow for adjustments and modifications to the standard pattern. The tailor can fine-tune the measurements and make specific alterations to accommodate any asymmetries or unique body characteristics. This level of customisation ensures that the suit conforms precisely to the wearer’s body, enhancing their silhouette and comfort.

Flexibility in Styling

In addition to measurements, made to measure suits offer flexibility in styling options. Clients can choose various design elements such as lapel styles, pocket details, button choices, vents, and cuff styles. These customisation options allow individuals to create a suit that not only fits perfectly but also reflects their personal style preferences.

Trial Fittings

While not as extensive as bespoke suits, made to measure suits often involve one or two trial fittings. These fittings allow the tailor to assess the initial garment’s fit and make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. This iterative process ensures that the final suit is tailored to perfection, with attention to even the smallest details.

Attention to Detail

Precision tailoring goes beyond measurements and adjustments. Made to measure suits are crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Skilled tailors take into account factors such as fabric drape, collar alignment, sleeve pitch, and trouser length to create a suit that not only fits well but also showcases expert craftsmanship.

Evolving Technology

With advancements in technology, made to measure suits have become even more precise. Innovative tools like 3D body scanners and digital pattern-making software enable tailors to capture accurate measurements and create precise patterns. This integration of technology with traditional tailoring techniques ensures a higher level of accuracy and consistency.
In summary, precision tailoring is the hallmark of made to measure suits. By combining precise measurements, individual patterns, tailoring adjustments, styling flexibility, trial fittings, attention to detail, and modern technology, made to measure suits deliver an unparalleled fit and comfort that sets them apart from off-the-peg alternatives.

Enhanced Personalisation

Enhanced personalisation is a key aspect that distinguishes made to measure suits from other options in the market. Made to measure suits offer individuals the opportunity to create a garment that truly reflects their personal style and preferences. Here’s how enhanced personalisation sets made to measure suits apart

Fabric Selection

Made to measure suits provide a wide range of fabric options to choose from. Clients can select fabrics of different colours, patterns, and textures, allowing them to create a suit that aligns with their personal taste and occasion. Whether it’s a classic wool, a luxurious cashmere blend, or a lightweight linen, the choice is in the hands of the wearer.

Style Customisation

Made to measure suits offer flexibility in various style elements. Clients can customise lapel styles, choose between single-breasted or double-breasted designs, and opt for different pocket styles and placements. These options enable individuals to create a suit that reflects their personal style, whether it’s a timeless and understated look or a bolder, more contemporary aesthetic.
Fit Preferences: While the primary focus of made to measure suits is on achieving a perfect fit, individuals can also personalise certain fit preferences. They can specify their preferred level of comfort, whether it’s a slim fit or a more relaxed silhouette. Clients can also make adjustments to accommodate personal preferences for sleeve length, trouser break, or waist suppression, ensuring the suit aligns with their desired style and comfort.

Custom Details

Made to measure suits allow for custom details that add a personal touch. Clients can choose the type and colour of buttons, select the lining fabric, and even have monograms or initials embroidered on the suit. These small details not only enhance the overall appearance of the suit but also add a sense of individuality and exclusivity.
Accommodating Body Characteristics: Made to measure suits have the advantage of accommodating specific body characteristics or fit preferences. If an individual has longer arms, a shorter torso, or any other unique body proportions, made to measure tailoring can address these considerations to ensure a garment that fits perfectly. This personalised approach ensures that the suit not only looks great but also feels comfortable and flatters the wearer’s physique.

Professional Guidance

Throughout the process of designing a made to measure suit, individuals receive professional guidance from experienced tailors. These experts provide valuable advice on fabric choices, styling options, and fit considerations based on their knowledge and expertise. This guidance helps clients make informed decisions, ensuring that the final suit aligns with their vision and meets their expectations.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Time and cost efficiency are notable advantages of made to measure suits, making them a practical and accessible option for individuals seeking personalised tailoring. Here’s how made to measure suits excel in terms of time and cost efficiency:

Streamlined Process

Made to measure suits streamline the tailoring process compared to bespoke alternatives. While bespoke suits require multiple fittings and extensive consultations, made to measure suits offer a more efficient and time-saving approach. The initial measurement session is followed by one or two trial fittings to ensure an accurate fit. This streamlined process reduces the overall time required for the creation of the suit.

Reduced Waiting Period

Bespoke tailoring often entails lengthy waiting periods due to the intricate nature of crafting a suit from scratch. Made to measure suits, on the other hand, have shorter production times. Once the measurements and style choices are finalised, the suit is created based on pre-existing patterns that are modified according to the individual’s measurements. This significantly reduces the waiting time for the finished garment.

Fewer Fittings

Made to measure suits typically require fewer fittings compared to bespoke suits. The initial measurements and trial fittings ensure that the suit is on track, and any necessary adjustments can be made during these fittings. This streamlined process saves both the client’s and the tailor’s time, without compromising on the final fit and quality of the suit.
Cost-Effective Tailoring: Bespoke suits are renowned for their luxurious nature but come with a higher price tag due to the extensive customisation and individual attention involved. Made to measure suits offer a cost-effective alternative, providing personalised tailoring at a more accessible price point. While there is still a premium associated with the level of customisation and craftsmanship, made to measure suits provide a balance between quality and affordability.

Reusability of Patterns

Made to measure tailors retain detailed records of clients’ measurements and patterns. This allows for ease in subsequent orders. Once the measurements are on file, clients can reorder additional suits or garments without the need for a new measurement session or trial fittings. This reusability of patterns ensures a quicker turnaround time for future orders and reduces the overall cost for subsequent garments.

Accessibility to a Wider Audience

Bespoke tailoring, while a luxury experience, can be limited to a select few due to its higher price point and exclusive nature. Made to measure suits bridge this gap, offering a more accessible option to a wider audience. With advancements in technology and online platforms, individuals can now access made to measure services from the comfort of their homes, making personalised tailoring more convenient and available.

In conclusion, made to measure suits provide a time and cost-efficient alternative to bespoke tailoring. With a streamlined process, reduced waiting periods, fewer fittings, cost-effective tailoring, reusability of patterns, and increased accessibility, made to measure suits offer a practical and efficient option for individuals seeking personalised garments without compromising on quality or fit.

Accessibility and Availability:

Accessibility and availability are significant advantages of made to measure suits, as they provide a personalised tailoring experience to a wider range of individuals. Here’s how made to measure suits excel in terms of accessibility and availability:

Wide Range of Locations

Made to measure services are often available in various locations, including major cities and even smaller towns. Unlike bespoke tailoring, which may be limited to specific regions or high-end fashion districts, made to measure services can be found in a broader range of locations. This makes it easier for individuals to access personalised tailoring services without the need for extensive travel or seeking out exclusive tailoring establishments.

Online Platforms

The advent of technology has revolutionised the accessibility of made to measure suits. Many tailoring companies now offer online platforms where individuals can input their measurements and customise their suits remotely. These platforms provide detailed instructions on how to take accurate measurements, and some even offer virtual assistance to ensure precise measurements. By leveraging online platforms, individuals can enjoy the benefits of made to measure tailoring from the comfort of their own homes, regardless of their geographical location.

Greater Affordability

While bespoke tailoring can be a luxurious and expensive experience, made to measure suits provide a more accessible option in terms of affordability. They offer a balance between personalised tailoring and cost-effectiveness. With made to measure suits, individuals can enjoy the benefits of a personalised fit without the exorbitant price tag often associated with bespoke tailoring. This affordability factor widens the accessibility to a larger audience who desire tailored garments within their budget.

Diverse Size Range

Off-the-peg suits often have a limited size range, making it challenging for individuals with unique body shapes or sizes to find a perfect fit. Made to measure suits cater to a diverse range of body types, ensuring that individuals of all shapes and sizes can experience the benefits of personalised tailoring. By taking precise measurements, made to measure services can accommodate individuals who fall outside the standard size range, providing them with a suit that fits their unique body proportions.

Tailoring Expertise and Guidance

Made to measure services often employ experienced tailors who are knowledgeable in the art of precision tailoring. These professionals offer guidance and recommendations throughout the process, ensuring that clients make informed choices regarding fabric selection, styling options, and fit preferences. The expertise and guidance provided by these tailors contribute to a more accessible and satisfying made to measure experience.

Repeat Orders and Reorder Convenience

Once an individual has gone through the made to measure process and their measurements are on record, reordering additional suits or garments becomes much more accessible and convenient. Clients can simply select their desired fabrics, make any necessary adjustments or customisations, and place their order. This eliminates the need for repeat measurements and fittings, saving time and effort.

In conclusion, made to measure suits offer accessibility and availability to a broader range of individuals. Whether through physical locations in various cities, online platforms, greater affordability, catering to diverse sizes, tailoring expertise, or the convenience of repeat orders, made to measure services have made personalised tailoring more accessible and convenient for individuals seeking the perfect fit and style.

Consistency and Reliability:

Consistency and reliability are key factors that contribute to the appeal of made to measure suits. Made to measure tailoring offers a level of consistency and reliability that ensures a high-quality product and a satisfying customer experience. Here’s how made to measure suits excel in terms of consistency and reliability:

Established Processes and Standards

Made to measure tailoring operates within well-established processes and standards. Tailoring companies that offer made to measure services have defined procedures and guidelines in place to ensure consistency and quality throughout the production process. These standardised processes help deliver a reliable and consistent end product.
Predefined Patterns: Made to measure suits utilise predefined patterns that have been developed and refined over time. These patterns serve as a foundation for creating garments that fit well and meet the desired specifications. The use of predefined patterns ensures a consistent starting point for each suit, reducing the likelihood of errors or inconsistencies in the final product.

Skilled Craftsmanship

Made to measure tailoring involves skilled craftsmen who possess expertise in precision tailoring techniques. These professionals have honed their skills over years of experience, ensuring a high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail. Their expertise and commitment to quality contribute to the consistency and reliability of made to measure suits.

Quality Control Measures

Made to measure tailoring incorporates robust quality control measures to maintain consistency and reliability. Each garment undergoes rigorous inspections and checks at various stages of the production process. This includes careful examination of measurements, fabric quality, stitching, and finishing details. These quality control measures help identify and rectify any issues, ensuring that the final product meets the expected standards.

Collaboration with Reputable Fabric Suppliers

Made to measure tailors often collaborate with reputable fabric suppliers and manufacturers. This collaboration ensures the availability of high-quality materials that are consistent in terms of durability, appearance, and performance. By working with trusted suppliers, made to measure tailors can offer a reliable range of fabrics to their clients, further enhancing the overall consistency and reliability of the final product.

Customer Feedback and Iterative Process

Made to measure tailors value customer feedback and strive for continuous improvement. They actively seek feedback from clients and use it to refine their processes and enhance their offerings. This iterative approach ensures that any issues or concerns are addressed promptly, leading to a more consistent and reliable customer experience over time.
Long-Term Relationships: Made to measure tailors often prioritise building long-term relationships with their clients. By fostering trust and understanding, tailors can better comprehend each client’s preferences, fit requirements, and style choices. This ongoing relationship allows for a consistent and reliable experience with future orders and ensures that each subsequent suit meets the client’s expectations.

In conclusion, made to measure suits offer consistency and reliability through established processes, predefined patterns, skilled craftsmanship, quality control measures, collaborations with reputable suppliers, customer feedback integration, and long-term relationships. These factors combine to deliver a consistent and reliable end product, instilling confidence in clients and ensuring a satisfying experience with each made to measure suit.


The choice between a made to measure suit, a bespoke suit, or an off-the-peg option ultimately depends on an individual’s preferences and requirements. However, the rising popularity of made to measure suits can be attributed to their ability to combine the best of both worlds. With precision tailoring, enhanced personalisation, time and cost efficiency, accessibility, and consistency, made to measure suits offer an unbeatable blend of quality, fit, and style. As men continue to seek garments that reflect their unique personalities, made to measure suits have undoubtedly emerged as the epitome of sartorial elegance and sophistication.